Southern California Orthopedic Institute is the preferred orthopedic practice in the region and home to the leading experts for diagnosing and treating bone, joint, and muscle injuries and conditions as well as musculoskeletal and spinal disorders in adults and children.
Our specialty-trained team of Bakersfield doctors provides world-class, specialized care for the ankle, back, elbow, foot, hand, hip, knee, neck, shoulder, spine, and wrist. Additionally, our experts offer joint replacement, pain management, pediatric orthopedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation,and sports medicine.
Serving as the premier educator of orthopedic surgery techniques to surgeons around the world, Southern California Orthopedic Institute is proud to have locations in Bakersfield, as well as Van Nuys, Bakersfield, Simi Valley, Westlake, Valencia, Beverly Hills, and Porter Ranch.
At Southern California Orthopedic Institute, we know that your world is waiting for you. We are the experts who can help.
Our Bakersfield office has moved to Truxtun Ave! Learn more here.